Monday, April 26, 2010

you don't forget your 1st

I can't believe I have been here 8 months. And I really can't believe I have only a few months left. Woah...
I wasn't able to access my blog when I first got here, but thanks to Tim and after a few months of research he was able to find us a program that allowed us to sneak around. What would I have done without him and his geeky tech brain?

Since I missed blogging my first few months, I thought I would share with you some of my firsts.

First picture (by myself) with my celeb. blog friend Kara. She will always be a celeb. to me.

First picture as team Sci-Tech. Who would have known we would dominate so much?

First team picture. Not as many of these as I would have liked.

First plane ride where I get to watch movies! And I did. THE WHOLE WAY.

First picture of Robin! He picked us up from the airport, grabbed our bags, threw us in a van and we were off on a 4 hour terrifying ride. I had no idea the incredible friendship that would soon be formed.

First random food on the bus I saw. Save me a piece of that corn.

First coffee shop experience. Western toilets. Yes please.

First Olympic park experience. My new little oasis.

First time on a Chinese beach. Hot.

First, and only so far, hospital experience. Horrifying.

First class. 5th years. Hoodrats. I had no idea at this point.

First chocolate popcorn... uh why is it so good?

First ketchup since America! What would I have done without KETCHUP?

First hike on the Great Wall. It is actually green this time.

First picture of a split pant baby. Be glad I didn't take a picture of the first time I saw a kid pooping in a trash can.

That was fun. Thanks for going on my trip down memory lane with me.

I do love this place.


1 comment:

Kori said...

great post Heidi!