For those of you that don't follow me on Instagram {heidireeves} or Twitter {heidireeves} (you should) you might not have seen my updates.
*Notice my social media outlets are still Reeves. I have yet to switch everything over to my married self, Walker (Texas Ranger).
Anyway, I participated in Fat Mum Slim's, February Photo A Day.
It works like this. You take a picture a day. Easy enough.
There were days I missed. But I did move across the country so it's okay.
words, hands, 10 am, button
front door, inside your closet, heart, phone
something new, drink, something you hate to do, handwriting
where you work, your shoes, inside your bathroom cabinet, green
night, something you ate, money, something you're listening to
I think I might continue on for March Photo A Day.
And you should too. Even if you don't do Instagram or Twitter (how do you live?) it's still fun to say you took a picture a day. Or in my case, usually it's more like 29 pictures a day.