Friday, May 25, 2012

me and the boys

Our Memorial weekend is looking like it's going to be a fun busy weekend (Celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary!) Which is a nice change from my normal week days... sitting alone watching internet TV.

Remember how we hung out with Andrew last weekend in Boulder? Well the other 2 Tower boys flew in for the weekend (have known these boys since I was 6 years old), so we drove up to Boulder to get our hang out on.

Just a warning, all of the pics are poor quality. Apparently we were in dark, blurry spaces all night... 

Here is Thomas. Going to be a senior in college, single, and is recently growing out his beard...

Andrew, 27-ish, rock climbing stud and has an "it's complicated" kind of world....
Matthew, 26, married to the coolest girl ever who I'm so mad had to work or else she would have been there with me.
See. We even took a faux-picture with her. Miss you Candy Pants!

Marshall and Andrew discussing dart strategy.

Marshall and Thomas loving each other.

Marshall and Matthew wearing their original wedding shoe attire.
Black dress shoes are so overrated for weddings.

We played a lot of darts
which I learned I rock at, despite what the boys say.

 And we tried to take some pictures.
 This is the only one I could get of the Tower boys and I.... typical.

And Marshall and I with our new roommate Marc.
It's blurry... my baby camera has been making everything blurry!

But the evening had to end sometime.
Goodbye my loooooveeeeee.
name that movie...

It was sooo fun hanging out with them for a few hours. It is a rare occasion when all the brothers are together AND then throw Marshall and I into the mix... shoot, what a party!

Until next time Jonas Brothers.


1 comment:



this post made me laugh out loud so many times, hahaha


but I LOVE the pic in my honor. Those boys are NUTS!!!!