Tuesday, May 15, 2012

goodbye AZ!

Our time has quickly come to an end. 
I have no idea where the past 3 months went, but we have to say goodbye to Phoenix, my Aunt Nancy, Chandler Blvd, Trader Joes (we'll see you again in Philly), the dust, the dry dry desert heat (you do amazing things for my skin and hair) and no daylight savings time, and say hello to Denver. 

Whatever Denver may bring us for 3 months.

First stop on our next adventure, the Four Corners Monument for an instagram pic!

So to the few friends I have there, get ready. I'm ready to party.
After I sleep for a few days. 
It's been (and will be) a heck of a few days!

Prayers for safe travels!



Hannah Lesley said...


Kendra said...

see you sooooooon!