Today was just like every other day.
Woke up. Made Marshall's coffee. Watched Kathy Lee and Hoda (with the Kardashians co-hosting). Did some work. G-chatted Val about what to wear to Six Flags. Got my hair cut. Attended a tiny human beings 2nd birthday party via technology.
We love being skyped into family events.
It's Jett's birthday. So we watched him open presents and eat cupcakes.

We sent him a Phillies hat and shirt. He needs to represent. And he loved it. His dad, maybe not, but that's not what's important.
He also chose to eat his cupcake the way his dogs drink out of their water bowls. It was precious and weird.
I'm so thankful that we can still be apart of our families lives in a more real way, even though we live so far away.

And I can't believe this little man is 2 years old already! Happy Birthday Jetters!
too cute. happy b-day, jett!
i second that! i wouldn't survive without skype! and after my parents moved to Ohio, my dad would tell people, "Skype saved my marriage." Haha!
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