Well, we made it to and from San Diego.
And, as usual, I recap. Prepare yourself. Photo overload.
Thursday, we didn't leave as early as planned, so we got to SD around dinner, ate a delicious Thai meal and passed out from a food coma.
Friday, we woke up ready to see the city. The weather was a little bit more chilly than I had hoped for so we had to make do with what we had in our suitcase.
We drove down to La Jolla cove where all the seals hang out. And it's birthing season so we were hoping to see a birth!

We didn't. But that's okay.

We did see this guy trying to jump on his bike off this baby cliff.
But with all the people watching him he chickened out. Sucka.
We walked around, took singlet pictures of each other like we were on our honeymoon.
Took a lot of self-timered photos too.
Laughed at how many "please do not feed squirrels" signs there were. And how many people were actually feeding them. Also, these squirrels are like giant rats. They are freaky, and they are everywhere.
We walked out onto this little bridge thing. It was right by the seals so you could get a better view.
Gross. Dirty ocean water.
We spent a good 3 hours walking around, taking pictures and people watching and then we had to leave because we were parked for too long. And we will not spend money to park!
The clouds were starting to leave and the sun was coming out so we decided to head back to the hotel, put some shorts on, eat some food, and go for a hike.
I will say that we made it a goal to spend the least amount of money as possible. So during continental breakfast at the hotel we made sure that we wouldn't have to spend money on lunch, grabbing bananas, muffins, bagels, whatever. It worked.
Besides not coming prepared for the cold, we didn't pack for a hike. But there is this really pretty reserve, Torrey Pines in Del Mar where we staying and we wanted to hike up it. So we just made do with what we had.
Keds for me.
Skate shoes for Marshall.
But we weren't alone in our unpreparedness.
This guy had a stroller. And not the fancy jogging type.
We finally made it to the top and the views from all directions were amazing.
There were tons of different trails you could take to get you to different viewpoints.
One that we took let us to this.
Fancy photography shoot with really blonde/white hair girl with slutty shoes on.
It made me do this.
And then immediately take a picture like this.
They were giving us the stink eye.
We kept walking, kept taking pictures, and kept loving life.
There was a trail that headed down to the beach a direction we hadn't been yet. When we got down to the beach we were pleasantly surprised.
It was so beautiful and private.
I could sit like this bird for forever here.
The typical 'girl jumping on beach' picture.
Marshall diving off the cliff.
On our walk we found this little romantic gesture.
I hope this girl said 'yes'.
The sun was starting to go down and it was getting pretty chilly again so we decided to head back to the car and watch the sunset from the car.
But we didn't time it very well, because we sat in the car for a while. And then we got hungry.
And we decided to leave when the sun went behind some cloud. As we were driving away the sun came back and it was perfect.
Patience. Who has it when you're hungry.
We headed back to the hotel got ready for dinner and had a ridiculously good italian meal. Urbanspoon said it was a $ category. But this place was at least $$. Good thing lunch was on the hotel!
Day 2, coming next.
1. i like how there is an actual squirrel in your "don't feed the squirrels" picture.
2. your hair looks great.
3. that's just like a laguna beach prom proposal! kids these days. these girls are going to have really high expectations when it comes to their marriage proposal if this is what they get just to go to prom.
All I can say is that I adore you! :)
The photos were amazing & your commentary was hilarious!!
Thanks so much for making me laugh. I needed it today!
much love, colie.
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