Tuesday, March 29, 2011



Are you thinking I must have just gotten a call from one of my old students asking me to raise their unborn child?
I wish.

2 months and I am a married lady!!!

Lots to do before that happens.
It's business time.

And no I don't mean Flight of The Conchords Business Time.

Although, I guess it is almost business time...


Friday, March 25, 2011


For those of you that don't know my biggest brother Eric, his wife Audrey, and their 2 adorable little guys live in Richmond, VA. She is preggo with the first granddaughter of the Reeves clan and is due April 1. You can imagine how excited my mom is.... finally a girl!

After work, as sister Teri and I were running around the lake we got a call saying that Eric and Audrey had their baby. We were so confused. No one called to say she was in labor? An hour or so of contractions at home, a rush trip to the hospital, 3 pushes, and 25 minutes later little Vivian Abigail Reeves entered the world at 7 lbs 12 oz.
We are so excited to meet this new bundle of love.

Living far away from family is not fun.
But soon, I will live close to this family!

Congratulations Eric and Audrey and your sweet baby girl V!

sorry... REALLY excited!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

chocolate attack

This is how I feel today....
Just like that.

But then I remember this...
And so I eat a big brownie.

It didn't help.

Hope everyone is having a better Thursday than I am.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

i wrote a lot. sorry.

As most of you know the first few years of Marshall and I's marriage is going to be anything but normal. Because of his school rotations we will pack, unpack, drive, fly, save our pennies, pack some more, unpack a lot, mooch off of whomever we can, and probably some stress will be involved. But one thing we will do (besides it) is have a lot of fun in the process.

I look at this as an adventure. I finally get to be with the love of my life, and for that I am so grateful. We are lucky that we get to do this together, experience what will be a really crazy time, together. Just the 2 of us.
I'm excited.
So right now we are asking for your prayers. I'm learning a lot right now, and patience and trust are a few of those. Marshall has a site location that would be a really great opportunity for him and I'm pretty excited about it as well. Problem is, 2 other people in his class also want it. Therefore, it goes to a draw.

We know that the Lord is in control and He will place us where He wants us.
Isn't it so comforting to know He has a plan... when we have no idea what we will be doing day by day. He knows.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

no documentation

I spent the weekend in Dallas visiting Megan with my mom and Megan's Mom.
Mother-daughter weekend.
Much needed.

I took a total of 2 pictures the whole weekend...

What is happening to me? Something is wrong.
I need my lens fixed. Who wants to fix it for me?


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

cool grandma alert

My Gram has always wanted a wig.
Today was the day she made her dreams come true.

I went with her to make sure she didn't come back with something purple or mullet like.

We tried on lots. We, I joined in.
Some were not so great.
Like this. Eww.


No. But oh how I wish.
She would be so mad at me if she knew I posted these pictures...

Family... don't show her.

She ended up getting not one, but 2. But I'm not going to tell you if it is pictured here or what it looks like. You will have to wait for a real picture.

I will tell you this.

It looks awesome. And she loves it. So really that's all that matters.
And it really does look awesome.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Teri dropped Jett off at work and left. What better way to entertain than to video him.

I try to teach him inappropriate stuff, but he doesn't remember it.

Happy new week.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

one more time

My apologies to my 7 readers out there (maybe now 4). I have been MIA because I have been like a bee. A busy bee.
Marshall and I have been busy with wedding details and decisions. I have hardly taken any pics let alone have time to turn on the DVR.
Shame to my family.

One exciting thing...
Marshall got a haircut. Baby Jett and him now have the same hair. It actually looks great (it's dirty here, go figure)! It is possible he will be sporting this look come May 29.

Back off ladies. He's spoken for.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Mine will be spent at an airport saying goodbye for the last time.

sad kisses.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

who doesn't love attention?

We had our first shower this weekend! And since Marshall is home for a week of course we are going to make him sit through a wedding shower!
We had amazing ladies who did an excellent job throwing us an excellent shower!

We had sweet b-maids who were able to come party with us!

And sweet family who celebrated with us.
Other family not pictured. My bad.

We had lots of fun visiting with friends and scoring some pretty great gifts.

Jett was also highly entertained the whole time.

After shower time we headed home and hung out. The girls and I were waiting for Valerie to make her way to Stillwater so we could get our bridesmaid dress party going on.

I can't show you pictures because it's a surprise. But with top sewer Val in charge it will be a success.

p.s. for those reading thinking "where was my invite to this shower?" that's a good question. i have had a few people tell me they never got theirs. darn post office.
my apologies. your husbands are probably thanking them because they didn't have to go.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

margs + dinner = fun

Marshall finally made it! But we had to get to Stilly because we had a dinner party to get to.

Oh we have missed each other!

Our lovely adult friends (I say adults because let's be honest, they are more grown up than me) wanted to have a dinner for us with the husbands. It was so great to just relax, eat great food, and enjoy my fiancé and friends.

We all know that I love and support the Whitney English name so what better to give to show our thanks and appreciation to the women who wanted to honor us.
It was seriously like watching little kids on Christmas morning.
Gifts just might be my new love language.

And speaking of gifts...
Paula painted us this awesome super creative painting.
Be jealous. Be her friend and maybe you will get one too.

And the most specialest lady of all. My sweet momma. Thank YOU for putting up with me during this crazy time.

Thank you to all the couples for being in our lives and showing us love.


Friday, March 4, 2011

false alarm

Thanks to the Philadelphia public transit system I didn't get to see Marshall last night
But I'm supposed to see him today.... if his flight would ever leave Chicago. Ugh.

However, my friday night wasn't a bust. I got to slumber party with The Friske's!

Now pray for a safe flight.

i get 1 week this time

I get to see this guy tonight!
Yup. The dude who sat across the office from me and would wear my sombrero at his desk.
That guy.

I pick him up from the airport at 10:00 PM, why not AM? Why not now!!!!????
It's been 50 days! 50 days since I have seen my fiancé!! wahoooo!!
Sorry. I'm excited.

Having a long distance relationship is really sucking right now. When I was in China and he was in America it wasn't this hard. Now that he is in Philadelphia and I'm in Oklahoma, AND we're engaged and not just dating, it sucks way more. I miss him more, I'm more needy, and I honestly think I'm crazier in America.
He would probably agree.
10:00 pm. get here already.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

and so it begins.

I had my first real wedding nightmare.

It wasn't a Carrie Bradshaw wedding kind of nightmare. But it was enough to make me wake up sweating...

I didn't have teeth (typical dream for me), I started my period, I didn't have my dress, Marshall hadn't made it to Oklahoma yet, the wedding was happening 2 days from now, and so much more that I can't remember now that I'm awake.

This is normal, right? Bad wedding dreams?


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

to my love.

Condiments. Some people hate them. Some people love them. I myself love them.

Especially ketchup.

I love ketchup so much that I will even eat it straight out of the bottle.
Okay maybe it was a dare. But I did it and wasn't complaining.

One time I gave up ketchup.
And when I finally had it again...
it was glorious.

I put ketchup on everything and anything (except steak, that's wrong people).
I ask for more packets every time than the average person.
I literally crave the actually ketchup more than I crave the food.
And I love sharing my love of ketchup with those that also love ketchup.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there craving those tomatoes, vinegar, and whatever else is in there.

So you can imagine my excitement when Jett finally realized that he himself liked ketchup.
I don't think he just liked it. I think he loved it.

At that moment I was a very proud Aunt.

And don't even get me started on Heinz new packaging.
It's like they read my diary or something.

Next time take a moment to appreciate your favorite condis.
