Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cheesesteak Blues

One thing I have learned while in Philadelphia is it is not always sunny, but it is always hot and humid! We had a blast walking the streets through rain and sweat, then ducking into buildings to sneak in some air conditioning time. But what I enjoyed most, besides hanging out with Marshall, were the amazing photo opts around the city! 

Betsy Ross's house... old man dressed up in his Colonial duds playing this small child a "happy song" as he described it. She is obviously happy. 

Enjoying my delicious Philly Cheesesteak! If you don't know how to order like a true local you are sent back to the end of the line. "I'll have an American wit-out"

Family photo at The Liberty Bell... we desperately wanted to be apart of their family. Apparently they didn't want it, no one is smiling, or happy to be at the Bell!!

This dude and his life friend were totally European by the look of his advanced male fashion statement. Yes ladies and gents that is his bangs slicked back into the poof position. Notice the barrette in his hair. 

And last but certainily not least.... the moment you have been waiting for... Reid's place of employment! We searched the city and found it in Rittenhouse Square (The 5th Avenue of Philadelphia). Val and I peaked in the windows and hung outside for a good while hoping we would get a glimpse of those Kenneth Cole dark framed glasses. But we were unsuccessful. Standing on the same sidewalk he stands everyday was enough for us!

Until next time Suckas. 
Baltimore in the AM, gotta get some shut eye.

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